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5 Types of Customer Complaints

Are you really listening to your customers? If you are only responding to incoming complaints, you miss out on a great opportunity to improve your consumer experience. Recognizing the 5 different types below when you get feedback from a consumer will help you grow your business.


“It is very sad that the product is not as advertised.”

“If you had replied to me on time, I would not have gone and bought the product from your competitor.”

Polite complainants state their complaints directly, but their words should be listened to carefully. Because they haven't given up on your company yet. See what their problems are and solve them quickly. Next time they will give your company another chance.


“What else will you give me as I am a loyal customer?”

Do not think that such customers are just greedy customers. If they ask for more from you, they either want to feel fully satisfied, or they just didn't get what they expected. Take advantage of this situation to ask what will satisfy them.


When customers don't respond to your request for feedback, you think they're too busy to respond. However, if customers were satisfied with your product or service, they would happily give you feedback. Unresponsive customers are often those who have given up because they are not happy with your company.


“I'm sure it was my fault, but…”

Customers who give this feedback politely usually have a positive experience with your company and don't want to cause you problems. However, their concerns need to be taken into account. If it is an error caused by the consumer, what and s/he did wrong and why should be explained to the consumer. If it is caused by the company, the production processes should be reviewed and corrected and the consumer should be informed.

Comparing ones

“The other product is better.”

If they are comparing the product they purchased with a product they bought from you before or with a competitor's product, there is a problem that the company should pay attention to. You should find out how you can make their next shopping experience better by asking questions that focus on their problems.

Direct feedback from customers is very valuable.

Feedback is often perceived as a complaint. In fact, this valuable information about the service, product, buying experience, or customer service is an advantage for companies to correct themselves.

Generally, the suggestions that come with complaints contain issues that need to be corrected, but sometimes the "hidden" points that need to be corrected need to be analyzed.

As a result, any customer feedback, good or bad, is important to companies. For profitable businesses, collect feedback frequently when and where it's convenient for you and the customer.